Slowly but surely we will all be heading back to work soon (post pandemic). I don’t know about you but I feel like this is a bit of a fresh start, or at least I’m going to use it as a fresh start. And of course that means a fresh work wardrobe. No, I’m not going out shopping for a whole new wardrobe, although I did add one or two new pieces I over the last few weeks (who hasn’t been online shopping to stay sane?), but I’m hoping to use what I already have to make some new, smarter combinations.
Before I was living in jeans and a sweater, and while I’ve still inlcuded those pieces in this Capsule, I have styled them up with smarter seprates such as a pair of trousers with my sweaters or a nice blouse with my jeans. If I do feel like wearing a cosy jeans and swetaer outfit, I can through on a blzer and a nice shoe to smarten up the look a little bit more. (Bye bye, black winter boots.. You’ll be missed!)
With these 12 items of clothing and 4 pairs of shoes, I created 3 weeks worth of outfits, or almost 4 for me as I only work a 4-day week). I’m sure there are even more outfits combinations, and becasue everything is a nuetral colour and mostly plain, all of these pieces will mix and match together. So, let’s see how many outfits there would be in total with my Fashion Maths equation…
[ { (6 tops x 4 bottoms) x 4 shoes } x 2 outerwear = 192 possible outfit combinations
Wow! Even I didn’t think there would be 192 COMBINATIONS!!!! But the maths don’t lie 🙂

I have included 12 pieces of clothing and 4 pairs of shoes in this Capsule. This is just what suits me, as I don’t mind rewearing the same pieces to work and I like the extra pairs of shoes to make those same outfits look a little bit different. If you happen to have a pair of shoes that you live in, you can perhaps add in a few extra tops or blazers to add a bit more interest back in. Take this as a guide, not Capsule Wardrobe gospel! 😉

I hope it is helpful for those of you looking to spruce up their work wardrobe or just for a bit of outfit inspiration. Do let me know your favourite look, or what you go-to work ‘uniform’ is.
You can also check out a few extra outfit combinations in my video below.